Worship Services on Lord’s Day (Sundays) at 10am


What to Expect

Song and Sermon: Our gatherings are casual and free-spirited. Together we enjoy rhythmic music as we sing about the goodness and mercy of God. We eat and laugh and hang-out. There is a teaching time where we go through the Scriptures and sometimes share a group discussion and dialogue. We respond in devotion to Christ in many ways, including partaking in the Lord’s Supper and giving from the resources that God has entrusted to us.

Visitors Welcome: For visitors and those unsure about Christ, we put no expectation on you to give any money and no one will try to pressure you into converting. We believe that people of any kind of background can begin to seek God from wherever they are on their spiritual journey. We seek to provide a safe environment for people of all backgrounds to investigate the teachings of Christ.

Children and Family: We have many young children in our church and we enjoy having them with us in our gathering. Before our teaching time we will invite the children forward for a story. There is a back room for crying children available where we stream the sermon to a tv. Additionally, we provide activities for families with young children and we don't mind the occasional interruption that comes from having them with us. We encourage parents to take time with their children during the week in family devotions. This helps to prepare them for sitting quietly and listening to the teaching on Sunday morning. If you have any questions or concerns about having your children with you in the service please don't hesitate to talk to one of our pastors. We would be glad to do anything we can to help your whole family enjoy your time with us.

Commune with Christ and One Another: We believe that our gatherings are a sacred time to meet with Christ and with one another. We encourage everyone to prepare their hearts to receive from God. Additionally, if you will be partaking in communion with us we encourage everyone to take seriously the words of exhortation in 1 Corinthians 11:17-33. Communion is for Christians who have been baptized and are living at peace with their church and fellow man. If you are a visitor or need to make peace with God or man, please leave it be.
